Showing posts with label trading. Show all posts
Showing posts with label trading. Show all posts

Saturday, June 20, 2015

How to Open Your Forex Trading Account

How to Open Your Forex Trading Account

Some people become very nervous at the thought of opening a Forex trading account, but it is not as complicated as you may think. Initially you will have to make some decisions before opening your account but in this article we will attempt to walk you through the necessary steps. You will need to decide on the amount of capital you are prepared to use to open the account, and then it is important to check out the different brokers until you find one that you are comfortable to deal with.

It’s suggested you do some research on the internet first and read through the various offering from brokers and also take note of feedback from more experienced traders. Join a Forex trading forum and don’t be nervous about asking for advice or opinions about various brokers and trading platforms.

In many cases you can open a simple trading account with as small amount as $250, which is probably a good idea if you are just starting out and want to get a feel for the market first without investing too much. Next you should have a look at the different spreads, the margin rules and the allowable leverage plus any other Forex trading aspects that are important to you.  Have a look at what available pairs the broker is offering in the Forex market and ensure they fit with your interests. If this all sounds complicated take advantage of some of the many Forex trading tutorials you can find on the internet and become familiar with the terminology.

When you have found a Forex broker that you are comfortable with and have determined the amount of capital you wish to invest it’s time to get started on opening your account. There are several different types of accounts to choose from, and some brokers will offer you mini-accounts to get started. It’s a good idea to have a talk with your broker and be guided by his advice as to what best suits your investment needs.

Many first timers start with a dummy account so they can practice and get used to the different currency spreads. This will give you the opportunity to become familiar with the different trading strategies before you start to actually put your capital at risk. When you are comfortable with your progress you can proceed to open an actual account through your broker.

This will entail completing a number of forms, and of course having the capital available to open your account. Your Forex broker will provide a legal agreement that sets out the leverage rules and amounts, plus an agreement regarding any losing margin trades, in addition to the other necessary paperwork and contracts to open your Forex account.

The important thing is to find the right broker to suit you, that you feel comfortable with and that you can trust. Once you achieve this, opening the account and starting your Forex trading is easy. Always keep in mind choosing the right Forex broker can make all the difference as to whether you make or lose money as a Forex trader.

Forex Tips For Beginners

Forex Tips For Beginners

Are you thinking about getting started with Forex trading? There are a few things you should know before investing on the Forex market. Take a few minutes to review the following article for some useful information on Forex.

Do not spend anything on Forex until you have spent at least a few months educating yourself about trading. Becoming a successful trader takes many years of practice and you will eventually get there if you start by learning as much as possible about Forex. You could for instance read some books, watch some tutorials or talk to other traders.

Choose a broker you can count on. Some brokers have a bad reputation for a reason. You should also avoid brokers that were created very recently. It is best to choose a broker with several years of experience and an excellent reputation, even if they charge more. Do not hesitate to call different brokers so you can ask a few questions about the services offered or find out how much opening an account will cost you.

Choose a currency pair in function of the kind of trading schedule you want. Expect to make most of your transactions when both financial markets are open at the same time. For instance, traders who use the American Dollar and the British Pound can trade from 8 am to 11 am. Once you choose your currency pair, you will have to learn as much as possible about the two countries and their economy.

You should be comfortable with the technical and the fundamental analysis. Professional traders usually have a method they prefer but you should not specialize in one method or the other until you gain more experience. As a beginner, you can really benefit from mastering both approaches. Besides, there are situations where using both methods is the only way to make an accurate forecast. Read analysis written by professional traders instead of following your own forecasts. You can write down what you think will happen and compare your predictions to what happened at the end of your trading session.

The key to becoming a successful trader is to always assess your risks and minimize them. There are different methods you can use to minimize your risks, including going with the trend, never investing more than half of your available capital and using stop loss orders. Following the trend is your best option until you gain more experience with trading. Never investing more than half of your capital means you will be able to recover most of your losses in case one of your investments turns out to be a bad decision. Using stop loss orders means your investment will be sold once it reaches a certain value. This is a good way to stop your losses or to secure the profits you were expecting.

These Forex tips will help you become a successful trader but keep in mind that you will have to work hard. Start by learning as much as possible about Forex.

Forex Is For Disciplined People

Forex Is For Disciplined People

I am not going to focus on the technical aspect of trading in this article. I think that too many people focus on the mechanics of trading and not on the mental side. It is my experience and belief that the mental side of trading is where most people need work. Sure new traders don't use a proper trading strategy but they also don't know how to think about the business of trading. They have faulty beliefs that will keep them in a state where they are losing money. Lets fix their head then their trading.

So what do I mean by lets focus on the mental side of trading? What I mean is that trading for many involves too many emotions. These emotions are would causes trader to make bad decisions in Forex. The more bad decision you make, the more money you will lose as a trader. It is my goal to teach traders to think about the game and how to think about each trade. By changing their internal representation of what good trading is first, then we can easily teach them winning trading system that will make them profitable and that will keep them in the black.

So what is good trading and what is bad trading? Most people who find themselves wanting to be a trader do so because they want money NOW. They don't want to wait the same amount of time that it takes investors to earn money. They want daily, weekly and monthly income from trading. There is nothing wrong with that and I share the same goals. Where I differ from the average trader is that I know that you cannot remove patience from the business of trading. It doesn't matter if you are day trading or investing.

Not only do these traders want income now, they also want to always be trading. They love the action of trading. My job is to replace their love of trading with the love of making money. Enjoy being profitable more than you love putting on trades. If they could learn this one thing they would lose less money. I also have to teach them that every trade has to be planned ahead of time. I don't want them making any gut decisions. The big banks use automated trading systems ran by super computers because they know how human emotions are not subjective.

If there is anything to take away from this article it is, focus more on how you think about trading. Do not allow Forex trading to become a game or a source of entertainment. Think of each trade you make as a major business decision that should be well planned and researched ahead of time. What if you are day trading? Of course in day trading your decision have to be made fast but your system will already have things such as lot size, entry point and exiting solves before you sit in front of the computer.

Finding Profits In Forex

Finding Profits In Forex

Finding profits in Forex. Where were the profits hiding? I think they were hiding somewhere between the 5 minute bar chart and the daily chart. One of the Forex topics that I often talk about is why new traders should only trade the larger time frames. I consider a large time from to be an 8 hour chart or longer. Personally, I mainly trade the daily bar chart because I like to get a big over view of the currency market without all the noise of smaller time frames. I find that this makes my decision process easier.

What about noise? I mentioned that noise is a reason why I don't trade the smaller time frames. Noise, to me, are the constant waves and ripples that make the price action of a currency pair go up and down. Sure this can give you many opportunities to put in trades but what I have found is that the more trades people put in on these smaller time frames, the more money they lose. Most retail traders simply don't have the skill to pick enough winning trades to make it profitable and they also don't have a system that will keep them out of a bad trade.

The truth behind why I love trading the daily chart so much. Yes, it is true that the daily chart has less noise but the best thing about it is that you don't have to check it so often. Trading daily bars doesn't require you to sit in front of a computer all day watching the Forex market go up and down. Now, that I only trade the daily chart, I look at each currency pair that I trade once per day. I put on my trades and I'm done. I do have an app that lets me track how my trades are doing and I even sparingly check that.

I love the freedom that this type of trading give me. The funny thing is that you can make these over arching type of day trade plays on the daily chart. For example, it isn't odd to see me put on a trade chasing 50 pips or more when I see a engulfing candle stick pattern on my Forex chart. I also sometimes will trade a trend that looks like it is going to continue with a day trade like approach. By day trade, I mean that I will close this position or seek to reach my target within 24 hours.

So where are the profits? They seem to be hiding on the larger time frames such as the daily bar chart. As you can see, my method is all about simplifying things. I want to make as few as trades as possible and I want to set and forget my trades. Once I put on a trade, I let it run its course. I don't alter it or add on to it. I don't make any decision once I click buy or sell.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Devenir un trader Forex réussie

Devenir un trader Forex réussie

Le marché des changes est attrayante en raison de ses liquidités et tout-jour heures de négoce. Il est cependant extrêmement important de garder à jour avec les événements qui peuvent affecter vos paires de devises. Pour réussir dans ce domaine, vous devez vous apprendra tout ce qu'il ya à savoir sur le marché. Décider de la meilleure stratégie pour votre style de trading et de garder vos émotions de vos métiers.


Votre première étape consiste à définir vos objectifs et de développer un style de trading qui vous aideront à atteindre ces objectifs. Votre style de négociation est unique et nécessite une approche différente à un autre style de. Il est également livré avec son propre niveau de risque. Si vous trouvez que vous ne vous sentez pas à l'aise en laissant une nuit ouverte de position, vous devriez envisager de devenir un day trader. Si vous sentez que vous allez bénéficier davantage en plaçant vos fonds pour une période de temps plus longue, vous devriez envisager la négociation de position. Quel que soit votre style de trading, vous devez vous assurer que votre choix de style de trading convient à votre personnalité. Si vous choisissez d'ignorer cela, la négociation pourrait devenir une carrière stressante.


Vous devez déterminer une méthode pour aider dans vos décisions de trading. Vous devez connaître les niveaux auxquels vous êtes prêts à aller dans ou sortir d'un commerce. Certains commerçants choisissent d'utiliser les principes fondamentaux d'une économie et utiliser les cartes appropriées pour fournir la meilleure information pour le commerce. D'autres font appel à des analyses techniques et utilisent des cartes comme moyen de passer des ordres à des moments particuliers. Activité économique fondamentale est adapté à la négociation à long terme plutôt que de tracer des motifs qui sont appropriés pour les opérations à court terme. Il ne importe pas la méthode que vous choisissez aussi longtemps que vous êtes cohérent dans vos activités. La méthode choisie devrait être facilement adaptable que ce marché financier change à court terme.

Broker Forex

Avant de faire un choix final de courtage, vous devez faire vos devoirs. Ne pas hésiter à passer un certain temps à la recherche sur le courtier le plus adapté à vos besoins. Vous devez être conscient des politiques du courtier. Lire la documentation fournie, en particulier les petits caractères. Choisissez un courtier qui vous offre une plate-forme qui vous fournira avec l'analyse que vous avez besoin. Assurez-vous que vous vérifiez sur avis déposés à propos de votre courtier potentiel. Vous pouvez participer à des forums forex pour savoir ce que les autres pensent de le courtier que vous espérez utiliser.

Comptes démo

Une fois que vous avez choisi un courtier approprié et conçu votre style de trading et de stratégie, vous devez ouvrir un compte de démonstration. Ce compte vous donner l'occasion faire l'essai de la plateforme de négociation de votre courtier et votre stratégie. Ce est une situation idéale que les comptes de démonstration fonctionnent exactement de la même manière comme un véritable compte de trading. La seule différence étant que vous faites du commerce avec la monnaie virtuelle et non votre propre argent.

Forex trading peut être un marché passionnant et lucratif pour entrer. Vous devez garder à l'esprit que aussi lucrative que ce est, vous êtes aussi à risque de perdre votre argent si vous concevoir une stratégie et le commerce adaptée en conséquence.